Use Ingress Controller: watching Service and Ingress
[ Ingress ]
[ Services ]
Reclaiming: Retained, Recycled, Deleted
Think PV is a storage pool
Take AWS EBS for example,
kubectl run nginx --image nginx
kubectl create deployment nginx --image nginx
kubectl create -f nginx.yaml
kubectl delete -f nginx.yaml -f redis.yaml
kubectl replace -f nginx.yaml
kubectl diff -R -f configs/
kubectl apply -R -f configs/
The heart of Kubernetes orchestrator
// Control loop
for {
current := getCurrentState()
desired := getDesiredState()
if current == designed {
// Do nothing
} else
// Reconcile
makeChanges(desired, current)
Modularity, Extensibility, Pluggability
Extend with additional APIs, beyond what is offered by the core Kubernetes APIs.
Use apiserver-builder to automate the process above
Extended API: (a) Custom Kind (b) Custom controller (c) Custom sub-resource
A resolution for the management of stateful app
“Kubernetes is the Linux of the cloud.”
- Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation